How-To: Set Folder Permission Levels

If you are a Project Owner and want to set permission levels to help protect sensitive information in your signed documents folder, here's how to do that.


First, you'll need to have Project Owner status before you can proceed. If you do not have this but you're tasked to setting permission, you'll need to have your account upgraded. Please talk to an existing Project Owner to have them do this for you. 

Set Permissions For Folders

Go into your documents folder and in the top right corner of each folder is a purple gear icon.

When you click on this icon, you'll then click on the permissions button to open the modal. 

In the modal, you'll be able to select who can see the folder. Here's a quick summary of your options:

Everyone - Anyone in the project, from Associates to other Project Owners

Project Owners - Anyone at that level

Project Managers  - Anyone at that level and higher

Individuals Only - From the contacts that are assigned to this project, you'll be able to turn on individuals who can see this folder.

Once you're done, you can click on "Save Changes" to save those permission levels. 


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-Team MEsuite.

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