How-To: Download Materials Documents From Signed Contracts

Follow these instructions to download material files sent in from your signers

Access Your Project Documents

Once youโ€™re in the correct project, click File Manager on the left side bar menu to get to the documents folder. From here you can select two folder options for downloading.

  1. From your Signed Release folder (this is a single folder with all of your projectโ€™s signed documents)
  2. From a Smart Tag Folder (releases that have already been filtered. Another way to think of this is sub-folders for your Signed Release Folder)

Follow the below instructions depending on which folder youโ€™re looking to download.


Download From your Signed Documents Folder

Once you've chosen the signed release folder, you'll find a list of signed releases. Simply click on the Materials Tab to filter and view your Material documents.

On this page, once you've found the contract that has the correct attachments, you can download the material files by using the media inspector. 

Downloading from the Media Inspector

Once you've selected the contract from which you want to download images, simply click the downward arrow to view all attachments for that contract. To download an image, just click on the image itself, and it will open, as shown in the following images:

Next, right-click on the image preview and choose "Save image as..."Captura de pantalla 2024-07-19 a la(s) 12.46.25

If you prefer to open a folder and drag and drop the image, you can do that as well.

Once you've saved the image, you can click on the image to close the preview window. Then click on the next photo to repeat the process until you've finished downloading your photos.


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-Team MEsuite.

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