How-To: Archive and Unarchive A Project (Stop/Pause Billing)

If your project has paused down or wrapped, you can archive your project to stop billing.

Once you have downloaded everything you need and are ready to complete a project so you do not incur any more charges, you can simply archive that project.

Archiving is a great option because if you need to go back into an archived project to redo any deliverables or download a release document, you can always pull the project out of your archive.

However, before you can archive or unarchive a project, you’ll need to be a Project Owner. To see your permission status, simply click on the project you’d like to archive, click on Contacts and look for your name and contact info.

If you are not a project owner, please send this article to one of the people who are listed as a project owner on your team.

Archiving A Project

To archive a project, you can do so either from the all projects page or from the project settings page.

All projects page:

If it’s a recent project, you’ll see it on your recent bar simply click on the blue gear button in the corner to archive it (#1) if it’s an older project, you might see it on the project list (#2). Click on Manage > Archive to archive it.

Unarchiving A Project

To pull an archived project from storage, you can follow these steps.

Please note: when you unarchive a project, you’ll incur a prorated charge depending on how long the project is unarchived.

From the all projects page, you’ll click on the Archive tab to see a list of all your archived projects.

From there, find the project you’re looking for and click on the Manage > Unarchive to pull it out of storage.

It will ask you to confirm that you’re unarchiving that project.

It will bring your project back to your main page. Simply click on the active tab to jump back to your active projects.


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