How-To: Add, Remove, and Manage Team Members, Vendors, and Contacts To A Project

To add a contact to your project, you can add them directly by following these instructions.

The difference between adding people from the account level versus the project level comes down to access. From the project contacts section you’ll be able to add various contacts to your project:

  • Team Members
  • Vendors
  • Groups
  • Other (executives, emergency contacts, or location information)

Select The Right Project and Contact Type

To get started, first, select the project you’d like to add your contacts to.

Once you’re on your main project page, click on the “Contacts” tab.

On this page, you’ll have 4 contact types in a tab that you can use to organize your project:

Clicking on each tab will allow you to add a new contact to that contact type. Please be sure to always check the tab before adding a new contact so you don’t mix them up.

1. Adding A New Team Member

The default tab is “Team” so to add a new team member, just click on the purple “+” button to add them.

Simply type in or copy/paste their email into the window and assign them a level of access appropriate to their role.

Permission Status:

  1. Project Owners - Has full access to everything in MEsuite. Can archive entire projects and will receive the invoice at the end of the month. You can have multiple Project Owners.
  2. Project Managers - can modify and archive release templates and documents, as well as view and deploy releases.
  3. Associates cannot modify anything. They only can view and deploy releases.


Your team will receive an email from “” inviting them to your project.

If they’re new to MEsuite, they’ll be invited to create a Profile by creating a password. Then they can accept your invitation to join your project.

If they’re already in MEsuite, they’ll be invited to accept your invitation.

When you’re all set, click the “Submit” button.

Checking For Invite

Once the invite has been sent, please have your team member check their email for the invite from “” If it’s not in your inbox within ~3 minutes, please check to see if it went into your spam folder.

If your team member has already been invited to MEsuite previously but has not logged in, please let your customer success manager know as they might need to be manually reset.

2. Adding A Vendor

To add a vendor, select the “Vendor” tab and click on the purple “+” button to add your vendor. Once you’ve verified that all the information is correct, press submit.

3. Creating a Group (Departments)

If you want to organize your teams into the departments they fall under, you’ll be able to do that with Group. This is a great way for your company to have transparency as to who’s a part of which department and who to reach out to when something happens.

To create a group, select the “Group” tab and click on the purple “+” button to create your group.

  1. Give your team a name.
  2. You can only add people to your group if they’re in your account. When you type in their name, they should automatically pop up, you can select them without having to type in their full name or email.
  3. You can remove anyone if you added them by accident
  4. Click Confirm when you’re done.

4. Adding A Contact To Other

The Other section is where you can put any other kind of contact outside of your team and your vendors. An example would be if you wanted to add an executive in charge, emergency contacts, or a specific address or location.

First, select the “Option” tab and click on the purple “+” button to add your contact. Once you’ve verified that all the information is correct, press submit.

5. Editing and Removing Contacts

If you need to edit or remove any contacts, you can simply click on the “Manage” button from any tab to Edit or Delete a contact.

Please keep in mind that you’ll only be able to remove someone if you’re a Project Owner or Project Manager.

Also, only Project Owners and remove other Project Owners

What’s next?

Next, you’ll want to add your document templates to your project. Follow this guide on how to import your document templates into SignME


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-Team MEsuite.

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